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Haha the uke got look but had no brain!!!!!! This kind of uke makes me sick the most, at ...

Anonymous September 16, 2015 12:37 pm

Haha the uke got look but had no brain!!!!!!
This kind of uke makes me sick the most, at least yuuji became a normal boyfriend by now right? But still, this kind of uke is the most hateful type I've ever seen because he hella stupid and made a person genuinely loved him got hurt. Fuuuuk

    Anonymous September 20, 2015 5:25 pm

    I don't get why is the ukek stupid?

    joy December 14, 2015 12:11 am

    ok but who hurt who first lol

    callisto December 18, 2015 4:28 am

    I just read your comment and I was literally just like "what the fuck?!" like no offense or anything but, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Are you fucking crazy, did you not read the first few chapter;s of the story?! The seme was the one that was hurting the uke!!! The uke got hurt first and even when the seme saw that he was hurting he still cheated on him just to and I quote "test how far he would forgive me" like WTF?! He crossed a line like 10, 20, 1,0000 times he even almost married to some model and got some person pregnant! I was just seriously wondering did you read the first chapters at all or did just skip through and then assumed that the uke was an ass and the seme is the victim.#-.-) I understand that we are all entitled to our own opinions and that it's just your opinion, but I'm just trying to refresh you on what happened in the story. Or you have a totally different way of thinking then me explaining was just a big waste of time. by the way, I wasn't trying to be rude I was just shocked by your opinion so I hope that didn't sound super rude.
    ( ̄∇ ̄")

    iamxrae December 24, 2015 7:15 am

    I understand where you're coming from. Everybody, including myself, hates the seme Yuuji, but I also dislike the uke Chika-chan. I don't hate Chika, but I don't like how pathetic he was at the beginning, to allow someone to use him for sex, to emotionally abuse him, and pass it off because "he loves him." Chika is referred to as an "enabler," a person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behavior in another. Basically, Chika's submissiveness was enabling the negative cheating behavior in Yuuji. After the breakup, Chika should have taken himself far, far away from Yuuji, so that their paths wouldn't cross again until he was emotionally healed. IRL, guys like Yuuji never fully reform.

    iamxrae December 24, 2015 7:20 am
    I just read your comment and I was literally just like "what the fuck?!" like no offense or anything but, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Are you fucking crazy, did you not read the first few chapter;s of the story?! ... callisto

    I agreed with this person to some extent. Read my response if you can. One thing I forgot to include in my response - Chika should not have dated Gou like he did on the rebound. Anonymous was right, Chika in turn hurt someone who really loved him - Gou.

    callisto December 24, 2015 5:15 pm
    I agreed with this person to some extent. Read my response if you can. One thing I forgot to include in my response - Chika should not have dated Gou like he did on the rebound. Anonymous was right, Chika in t... iamxrae

    I read your other comment and understand what you mean. I also agree that chuka should not have dated gou and hurt him like that. But I still feel angry at yuuji for acting that way. But I still understand what you mean and chuka does hold some responsibility for this while mess of a relationship as much as yuuji does. Thanks you opened up a whole new light for me.