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hello mina!!! I'm just curious here How do you rate the manga you read her personally it g...

lily_nuit September 17, 2015 8:57 pm

hello mina!!! I'm just curious here
How do you rate the manga you read her
personally it going like this :
5 stars ***** : Ho yes I want to read it over an over again!!!
4 **** : well that's good, if I don't have anything else to do why not
3***: hum, I understand that some people like it... it wasn't bad reading it ... but never again
2 **: wasn't even able to finish it, to boring
1* : worst thing ever!!! :O ( I think I vote this only once! :P )
So how it going for you

    sakuracry September 17, 2015 10:48 pm

    my rating is kinda similar to yours ;)
    5 stars - love it, re-read again and again
    4 stars - really like it, re-read from time to time
    3 stars - it`s okay, maybe i`ll re-read it if i don`t have anything else
    2 stars - well, it`s kinda okay but not my cup of tea (maybe i don`t like the story or one mc because he`s cheating or whatever) so it means i`ll never read it again
    1 star - i don`t like it at all (horrible artstyle, story or translation) i rarely rate only 1 star though...

    cleo September 18, 2015 12:56 am

    5 stars--> Great!!!!! I'm OBSESSED!!!!! Best thing ever!!!!!
    4 stars--> Such a good story!
    3 stars--> enjoyable
    2 stars-->not impressed -.-
    1 star--> horrible (but I don't really rate 1 star, because I want to forget the story and if I rate it will appear in my reading list ;) )

    Yin September 18, 2015 3:12 am

    5 stars - I moved by the story.
    4 stars - it's very good, but something is missing.
    3 stars - it's alright, but too many umplesant developments, or the story is too rushed, or lacks in feelings, etc.
    2 stars - did not like it.
    1 star - hated it or it's too twisted for my taste.