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so far Akane

YesButLikeNo December 30, 2020 5:38 am

Guys, you forget that Akane doesn't actually know that Ai was Aqua's mother, so she doesn't know the severity of her actions. From the start of the manga, it has already been established that idols can be fake to please their fans. I don't think Akane has done anything wrong yet. It's a bit weird to replicate a past idol, yes, but not something that completely makes Akane bad. Still, it does seem that this may not turn out too well of course, nothing good comes out of trying to be a carbon copy of someone else. You guys forget that Akane just went through something very hard and probably traumatic as well if it will push her to the brink of suicide. Also, for the record, I ship Arima x Aqua ~
