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Oh my gosh

Capuccino September 19, 2015 3:00 pm

Does he love her in a siblings way or in a romantic way?
I completely didn't see that coming...

    Sweet Kouhai October 2, 2015 3:20 pm

    It was in a sister way. He loves his sister more than anything but because his parents are getting divorse he will probably never see her again. She is the only thing in his life that is right but he ain't saying anything to make the separation harder

    Capuccino October 3, 2015 3:53 pm
    It was in a sister way. He loves his sister more than anything but because his parents are getting divorse he will probably never see her again. She is the only thing in his life that is right but he ain't sayi... Sweet Kouhai

    That sooooo sweet and kind. ╥﹏╥