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*Cupid's arrow right in the heart*

lenaGRonyx September 19, 2015 3:29 pm

Awww~ I loved all single part of it, cuteness all over the floor, how can we resist it?! (>W<)

I have the kind of feeling that this work was a little more intense than junko-sensei's others.
Mostly the 2nd couple.

After Ritsu slapped the 3rd year, and was comforted by Oda... I'm stupid XD but I was really into it (the last time was a looong time ago), I was like "No... stop it. Don't!-
FUCK Don't touch him!!" and then, I see Yasuhiro's face.

I was "oh my god"

I felt the tense and his pain through my all body.
"Oh poor little sweetheart, I know that your mama is Junko-sensei so you'll be alright in the end with Ristu, but still I hope you'll be hurt really really not too long *snif*"
And then the developpement was not terrible.. yet I loved it ^^
