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In my opinion I wished that Ceaser would have died in the end; not, that I did not wish h...

Anonymous September 21, 2015 2:55 am

In my opinion I wished that Ceaser would have died in the end; not, that I did not wish him happiness, but it is a fitting ending for someone who had wanted to die from the very beginning. Moreover, Chiaro would have to live on with the guilt of not only betraying Ceaser, but also with the fact that he had failed to save him. Chiaro's death was just an easy way out to right his wrongs, living with his guilt would have been a suitable punishment. He would have suffered just as much as Ceaser did.

    Yuesan October 25, 2015 12:48 pm

    I agree. This end really piss me off. I'm really wish Ceaser would have died in the end. I'm think that the best end for him. It's so unfair, Chiaro would have to live to pay on with the guilt for betrayed Ceaser. His dead is so easy for him, I hate it and Ceaser's little shit sister

    Mina February 3, 2016 7:04 am

    I'm not sure why you guys are painting Chiaro to be an evil backstabber like did we all read the same manga?? He has been nothing but loyal to Cesare from day one, but more than blind loyalty, he cares for what is morally good and we can all agree that Cesare does some fucked up shit regardless of whether it's just the darkness controlling him. Chiaro's life purpose isn't just to be Cesare's keeper; he is also a person with needs and wants. Is it his fault or Lucrezia's fault that they fell in love? Absolutely not. Why the hell wouldn't Lucrezia fall in love with him? He's a genuinely good person and she hasn't seen many men like that in her closed-off, controlled life. She's also one of the few devout, kind people in the manga who has good intentions so why wouldn't Chiaro be attracted to her? Also, people keep talking about Chiaro betraying Cesare but he's just trying to do the best thing. Cesare trying to murder his sister? That shit is not okay. Y'all are obsessed over Chiaro's "betrayal," but none of you seem to remember that he was TORTURED under Cesare's orders and EVEN LOST HIS ARM because of his critical wounds. Not only that, he doesn't even know if Lucrezia and his child is safe. He has given everything up for Cesare, working to be his right-hand man as well as healer without asking for ANYTHING and y'all hating on Chiaro? Chiaro doesn't belong to Cesare just because Cesare needs him or loves him. People don't belong to people. Chiaro is his own person and despite all the shit he went through, he still tries to redeem and save Cesare at the end.

    Animu girl February 3, 2016 5:43 pm
    I'm not sure why you guys are painting Chiaro to be an evil backstabber like did we all read the same manga?? He has been nothing but loyal to Cesare from day one, but more than blind loyalty, he cares for what... @Mina

    you do know that when he chose not to kill cesar at the very beginning his life was already tied with him. so all in all he shouldn't had betrayed cesar. its his life punishment i would dare say.

    Anonymous February 3, 2016 5:48 pm
    you do know that when he chose not to kill cesar at the very beginning his life was already tied with him. so all in all he shouldn't had betrayed cesar. its his life punishment i would dare say. @Animu girl

    Exactly! gosh if you couldn't handle the burden then you should have let him die when he was still sane..well saner

    Anonymous February 3, 2016 5:49 pm

    COULD NOT AGREE MORE! He got EVERYTHING! A girl (I hate that bitch) and kid and he took the easy way out. While Ceaser will be suffering forever.

    Anonymous March 2, 2016 4:29 am

    I agree, sometimes the main character has to DIE so that everyone else can suffer :)
    I need to make people CRY