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Spoiler but my honest opinion

Ohiyou December 31, 2020 9:32 am

Tho this story ends with Hiro and mika getting together spending last time together but I still can't accept with a smiling face. The way hiro treated mika was unacceptable and she had to go through so much. Yes mika was weak but I don't feel she deserved that. Hiro wanted to push her away just cz he had cancer? He didn't even try to tell mika.. While she was kept dark and always wondered what went wrong. Then introducing yuu in mikas life everything is good they finally have a good bond and now boom hiro again is back. Let's not enter that topic. But to think they ended the series with mika being a single mom i' future (probably) judging mikas character she would probably never fall in love and moreover she has a memory of hiro now his child.. So pretty much she ends up a single mom. Not moving forward. Though it might appear as a true love but it's somewhat complicated to process
