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It's pity that this manga is too rushed. It will have better telling by more than 1 volume...

LevixEren September 21, 2015 7:46 pm

It's pity that this manga is too rushed. It will have better telling by more than 1 volume :(
Sad but good story, happy ending.

Spoiler comment:
I m sad for Bu Dai, I believe that Kinren actually love him that time.
I m sad for Setsuga, he never had changed to convey his love to Shion :(
There are many pitiful things in this story, I even pity Saimon because his love for Kinren never returned. But he did many bad things in his life.
Of course the most pitiful is Kinren, how can he keeps having such bad luck all iver his life I m sad just when he decided to life with By Dai, Budai was actually Bu Shou's aniki. Just when he try to love Bu Dai sincerely, he get killed =="
