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It's not a story without some hardship

Riser December 31, 2020 10:09 pm

I'm cool with the male leading making such a huge mistake. One because there would be no development and being a black dragon he certainly hasn't been acting like one. 2 I'm tired of perfect male leads and female leads. This is something that he'll have to mature on and fix and i'd like to see the process. i also feel like maybe her magic power just sky rockted. 3, be real guys, her personality is stubborn off the deep in and this was the type of push that should help her deal with her emotions that she has 100% avoiding. Every time its been "that" man. I'm interested in seeing how the plot developed and i like the author making the ML not a push over, but having a flaw that is species related. I also like how this makes the story so much more interesting.

    SaltyOmelette January 1, 2021 4:56 am

    What really bothers me was ML giving his heart to MC which means shes no longer "human" without asking for her consent since shes gonna have to live with it her whole life from now on. But considering her personality she wouldnt have accepted it anyways and would have abandoned him at the spot and the end, manhwa completed lol. So yeah I have mixed feelings about it

    Pandora January 1, 2021 3:19 pm

    but this isn't a mistake. The lying was shitty af but kinda more normal for someone. But that literally altered her whole life, that isn't a simple 'mistake'. It disgusted me seeing how he blatantly disregarded his partners choices and opinion for his lame satisfaction. That isn't a mistake, it's toxic. I'm happy to see actual people in manga who have actual emotions and aren't perfect. But this guy is a dragon dude, image of perfection.

    Riser January 2, 2021 12:27 am
    but this isn't a mistake. The lying was shitty af but kinda more normal for someone. But that literally altered her whole life, that isn't a simple 'mistake'. It disgusted me seeing how he blatantly disregarded... Pandora

    Dragon's are in no sense perfect beings, which is why he made a choice above a human to give her his heart. In some sense i think its romantic but altering her lifespan is a huge move. However she has nothing but the magic tower tying her down. No family she is close too, no people. Toxic traits in mangas are meant to be fixed but he wasn't thinking like a human but as a dragon. Again, the story has to go on and he's been wayyyy to docile for a black dragon that was supposed to be insanely hard to handle. This isn't a human / human relationship but becuase he has a human form everyone is using the standard toxic. It doesn't apply quite like thzt in mangas where its a species difference. But everyone has there drawking the line point and its just easier for some to accept then others. I personally will still keep reading cause he's finally acting like a Black Dragon and not a push over. As well as i want to see how they overcome this.

    Pandora January 2, 2021 2:34 pm
    Dragon's are in no sense perfect beings, which is why he made a choice above a human to give her his heart. In some sense i think its romantic but altering her lifespan is a huge move. However she has nothing... Riser

    nah that shit ain't romantic. Its toxic af. Even if there is nothing tying her down, still doesn't make it right. I meant perfect in a sentient way, dragons are stronger live longer and that gives a huge power imbalance in the relationship. If she had consented yeah all goes well. But it is a act of violence and cuz he's a dragon doesn't excuse it (it may be a factor to the decision) and it shouldn't be excused cuz it's "romantic" or he's hot. Way too much shit in manga gets brushed away cuz the guy hot

    Riser January 3, 2021 3:54 am

    i excused it slightly due tot he fact that he is a BLACK dragon. His species is not really the consent type from what they fortold in the story so far. Either way, plot and story development.