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oh my freaking *Q* that was one GREAT SAMURAI YAOI MANGA <3 I just felt so strong the s...

SamuraiSx September 22, 2015 12:56 pm

oh my freaking *Q* that was one GREAT SAMURAI YAOI MANGA <3 I just felt so strong the story and charas and art and uhhh <3 *O* *feelings* yeah that is huge crime to give yourself a reason to kill someone, and in that era of samurai if young ones were found and raised as masters puppets for killing it was like brainwashing and making killing machines feeding them with lies about swords soul and higher goals... I like how Gesshi realised that and was strong enough to not fall in misery but found something that he can be helpful to attone for sins. being doctor is wonderful and also keeping others from oing that dirty job as killing as he did with Saku.. Saku was even more 'stupid' I mean occuupied with feelings of duty for master o he didn't realise that it's all worthless if you stop being living creature .. I am so glad that this story was band they finally managed to be together and release their life of invisible chains that stupid humans make out of evil's thoughts.. and art was freaking amazing <3 like this work of sensei ^^ nyaw I am now into samurai themed yaoi I'll look other ones as well *Q*
