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H~H September 25, 2015 11:46 am

I literally stop reading this when he blame fujishima. I was so fucking mad and stop reading.

    UGH September 25, 2015 8:41 pm

    dont stop it gets better this is a one of a kind story
    i know kiyome was an ass but trust me hes not always like that

    H~H September 26, 2015 2:22 am

    I know this is a super nice story plot but I just cannot get over that scene. It's just so annoying and frustrating! what did fujishima do to get that kind of treatment? it is her who volunteer to do the job and she is the one driving! the fault is on her why fujishima? ugh....

    k_brooks13 September 26, 2015 2:39 am
    I know this is a super nice story plot but I just cannot get over that scene. It's just so annoying and frustrating! what did fujishima do to get that kind of treatment? it is her who volunteer to do the job an... H~H

    Because he almost lost somebody he loved...the person who is the most important to him second to Fujishima and he was scared and stressed. Sometimes shit comes out of your mouth without consulting your brain which is what happened. I've been there when you don't know that youre gonna have the people you love still with you or if your life as you know it is over

    H~H September 26, 2015 4:05 am

    I don't understand your last sentence but I get what you mean. I ! just cannot forgive him... that's all... just so angry.

    k_brooks13 September 26, 2015 4:16 am
    I don't understand your last sentence but I get what you mean. I ! just cannot forgive him... that's all... just so angry. H~H

    Eh I was angry but I understand be been in that situation and he knew he'd fucked up the second he said it

    Anon September 26, 2015 6:36 pm

    Right? Me too. I stopped reading it since that part too and only am now restarted reading it again. It's been 84 years (j/k), lol. But really I think I stopped reading for almost 1 year now because of that part. I was shaking so bad and I wanted to slap Kiyomine so hard in the face. My little sis stop reading after that part too because she said she didn't want to see Takara forgive Kiyomine which she knew that Takara will forgive Kiyomine.

    mrl98 September 26, 2015 7:11 pm
    Right? Me too. I stopped reading it since that part too and only am now restarted reading it again. It's been 84 years (j/k), lol. But really I think I stopped reading for almost 1 year now because of that part... @Anon

    It didn't get me that much, the don't even say they like each other. For the most of the manga it feels like they're close friends.

    H~H September 27, 2015 1:12 pm
    Right? Me too. I stopped reading it since that part too and only am now restarted reading it again. It's been 84 years (j/k), lol. But really I think I stopped reading for almost 1 year now because of that part... @Anon

    Yes!!! kiyomine is the worst!! you know I was so angry! I was SOOOOOOO ANGRY!