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Can't finish, rape and abusive Dom?

Shadow-Chan January 3, 2021 8:15 am

Honestly...see of the twists and the art is good, character development and such.

but...the first parts with Jiha? That was just downright rape, he was almost sick because of it, and how many times did he say he didn't want it. Let's remind you of the rule, if they say no, you have no consent even if it's already halfway through the deed, or even just straight up at the beginning.

And she certainly didn't act like a mature sadistic Dom, I may not know a lot about the lifestyle but surely aftercare is an absolute must, and a contract too? Can we also look at the fact she's meeting like 4 guys at once? Like I know they all probably have a hunch but this main character - I'm not sure what to think, she's a way, stupidly immature.

That said, if I'm ruling out the parts I dislike, it's quite good. No hate to the artist and such, just wasn't something I could finish. Also- for the record, Jiha is a sexy beast
