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Yep! Chapter 05 is out and lovely! Just one more chapter for the end OAO

Kanra-san September 27, 2015 10:29 pm

Yep! Chapter 05 is out and lovely! Just one more chapter for the end OAO

    DirtyEffinHippy September 28, 2015 7:09 am

    I clicked the wrong thing >< I didn't mean to leave that annoying mark - just ignore that - I went to go click reply and I suck.

    manganime September 28, 2015 8:06 am

    I'm so pissed at Sou-chan that I didn't enjoy chapter 5. I wanted Sou to suffer a lot before he deserves Haru. Like have Haru and Iwata date and have lots of fun and screw Sou. I don't see why he can be so cruel to Haru and then just show up and kiss him. Nope. Not happy at all.

    Anonymous September 28, 2015 1:36 pm
    I'm so pissed at Sou-chan that I didn't enjoy chapter 5. I wanted Sou to suffer a lot before he deserves Haru. Like have Haru and Iwata date and have lots of fun and screw Sou. I don't see why he can be so crue... manganime

    Mmhmm. Though, I really don't trust Iwata...

    manganime September 28, 2015 6:12 pm
    Mmhmm. Though, I really don't trust Iwata... @Anonymous

    I think Iwata is doing an experiment with Sou/Haru. But at the same time, Haru is sweet and handsome, so who knows, he might end up liking him some. But I do think it's a kind of psych thing. And just what Sou needs. But Sou should suffer for the cruel thing he did/said to Haru. I'm not forgiving that easily that meanness.

    Kanra-san September 28, 2015 9:00 pm
    I clicked the wrong thing >< I didn't mean to leave that annoying mark - just ignore that - I went to go click reply and I suck. DirtyEffinHippy

    No problem!

    Kanra-san September 28, 2015 9:01 pm
    I think Iwata is doing an experiment with Sou/Haru. But at the same time, Haru is sweet and handsome, so who knows, he might end up liking him some. But I do think it's a kind of psych thing. And just what Sou ... manganime

    Still I don't think there is a need. I mean Sou's just stupid and clueless about his own feelings. Also I think Iwata was provoking Sou and "wake" him up ?

    manganime September 28, 2015 9:21 pm
    Still I don't think there is a need. I mean Sou's just stupid and clueless about his own feelings. Also I think Iwata was provoking Sou and "wake" him up ? @Kanra-san

    Sou is jealous, repressed, and clueless. He resents that Haru outdid him in athletics, then doesn't like that now he's outdone him as a working adult (ie, he's modeling and acting). Pure envy and inferiority. (He mentions needing to feel superior by using him at that dinner.) But Iwata knows: he knows Sou is just being a brat. And the brat needs to be taught a lesson. But, of course, for Haru's sake, we want Sou to grovel and be absolutely devoted for life!