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iii_never_went_to_oovoo_javer January 4, 2021 2:48 am

So were they like each other’s firsts or was it only the uke who was a virgin during their first time? Also, I found the raws n I saw the seme in the club sitting on the couch surrounded by bunch of other omegas. Why is the seme even in the club? Is that his job or sum? His ass betta not be cheating cuz they were already in a happy relationship at that time.

    notyouraveragegirl January 24, 2021 2:29 am

    Just going by what we've seen so far, Kang was dead set against him hanging around with that blonde and furthermore going back to that club. I think there's more to that than we know.

    Kang is super possessive and probably went there to see if the uke was gonna show up again because he was hanging around with that blonde guy. Sure enough there was the uke with the blonde guy, and who knows what the blonde did to get him to come. I mean the way Kang stares at the uke every time he comes in contact with him is someone who has it bad. His heart belongs to the uke no matter what happens. I love it myself!