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kikowiko January 5, 2021 9:49 am

someone spoil this shit for me, i made it to like chapter 47 and i'm so fucking pissed off lol. everyone that is trying to get in the way of the mc & ml is annoying the hell outta me and i just wanna know if shit gets better any time soon...

edit: just read the comments and apparently jimmy and taylor stay broken up & now jimmy/henry is a thing ?? what ?? lmfaooo. ok imma drop it before i get too invested

    Usuiwife January 5, 2021 6:25 pm

    How tf r people saying this story is good what- sis this story is ever cliche ever... also, the ones saying it’s good give me the same vibes as those Minecraft roleplays kids from 2014 that would be super overpowered and unkillable istg...