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auu i forget the tittle

doytch magient October 3, 2015 7:49 pm

someone knows about a manga where the main character (a young boy) is a genius at playing something like japan chest(?), if i'm not mistaken it is called "go" or something..
thanks for one who anwers and sorry fo my bad english

    chachacha October 3, 2015 7:54 pm

    Hikaru no Go? Tho the geniuses are the rival and the ghost.

    doytch magient October 3, 2015 7:57 pm
    Hikaru no Go? Tho the geniuses are the rival and the ghost. chachacha

    YaaaYY! i checked it just now. it's true!! thank you very much :))
    i've thought and thought again but i couldn't remember the tittle..

    Agnes October 3, 2015 7:58 pm
    kiki October 3, 2015 10:47 pm
    Hikaru no Go? Tho the geniuses are the rival and the ghost. chachacha

    eh, no way. hikaru is a genius at the game too. he learned very fast and caught up to touya akira in just a few years, even though touya had been doing it since he was very small. i'd say the gap of their experience is about ten years so touya always had the upper hand but hikaru could still challenge him an win sometimes. that was why touya acknowledge his ability.

    chachacha October 4, 2015 5:28 am
    eh, no way. hikaru is a genius at the game too. he learned very fast and caught up to touya akira in just a few years, even though touya had been doing it since he was very small. i'd say the gap of their exper... @kiki

    Is it? I can't remember tbh. Iirc he roughly has a good sense and a god-level teacher, but still far from Touya's level given that it was ended abruptly.