Sorry, guys! During system maintenance, some functions like comment are unavailable. I hate yoai. I tried it because love in the mask sort of remind...

sayanmoonlily October 14, 2012 12:30 am
I hate yoai. I tried it because love in the mask sort of reminded me of boy love. Im not saying this to insult anyone...after all, when im horny-which is rare- i read yuri.

    Anonymous January 13, 2013 4:36 am

    I don't know yoai. Just yaoi.

    HMMMMMMM January 13, 2013 5:25 am

    @Anonymous Hahahahahahhah

    Toya January 14, 2013 8:27 am

    Lol, @Anonymous you just made my day. XP

    Toya January 14, 2013 8:28 am

    Loved it please update soon, its so cute and sweet.

    Kai January 17, 2013 12:03 am

    Lol you hate Yaoi.. I hate Yuri... it is what ever floats your boat. I'm a hardcore Yaoi fan and I just love the hot/Sexy/Beautiful Seme's and Cute/Beautiful Uke's.