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imma spill so y'all sit down

kikowiko January 6, 2021 6:56 am

1. there is NOTHING wrong with having kinks, consensual non consent bdsm is a real kink and it is okay to have when practiced by a party of people CONSENSUALLY! as in all parties form a sort of contract, have their ideas and boundaries set explicitly, and etc. if one party refuses to listen to the other and crosses those boundaries, it is no longer consensual. if one party never agreed to this contract or relationship, it is not consensual.
2. they did in fact rape kise. i don't give a single fuck what anyone says, they did rape him. they took him against his will and raped him repeatedly until he succumbed to it and "wanted" to participate in this kind of relationship with them.
3. if kise was given the choice of spending those 2 months with them instead of just forcibly taken, then it wouldn't be rape and it would be a proper bdsm relationship between them all. also, if kise had not been threatened, then it would be consensual if he chose to partake in sex with them.
4. there are a bunch of weirdos and fetishizers in this comment section, please get help.
5. i'm not gonna lie, the scenes were hot. i just wish they weren't rape.

    SakharineSecrets January 9, 2021 8:19 am

    YES!!! It really doesn't matter how fucked up porn is, so long as it doesn't get mixed up with things irl in a harmful way. There's nothing wrong w liking this kind of thing, it is a work of fiction, but when you start to argue that he wasn't r*ped when he clearly was... That's when there's an issue.

    Kxxnaep January 12, 2021 3:53 am
