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So chapter 58...what was that? What was the point of this WHOLE thing if when the kid merg...

Yaoilover21 January 6, 2021 5:12 pm

So chapter 58...what was that? What was the point of this WHOLE thing if when the kid merged with god he wiped humanity from the face of the earth. All it showed is that not letting people be stripped of their ignorance and continue to live ignorantly benefits no one. Why take the memories of the whole god trial away? You easily could manipulate the memories of people so they’d learn WHY they shouldn’t continue on the path we’re on. Or kill all the people standing in the way of progressive progress towards a future in which humanity no longer looks like the one of pain and suffering in that panel. That ending was dog shit 0/10. Looking forward to the next work to see if they get their shit back together...

    LunarLily January 7, 2021 2:17 pm

    Maybe for the current God now was simply giving up, he see some good things in humanity, but that doesn't compare to the suffering he see also in the world. The past God chose to not do anything and simply watched and put a faith to humanity, hoping that things will get better if they learn for it. But the current God's mindset is different, he wants to erase the suffering of the people, the ugliness and the haterd, thus making him want to help some suicidal humans. But seeing for the first time that some people just simply doesn't want to die peacefully or genuinely, he sees many are continuing to suffer and survive just to lived. And from that if the God (himself) couldn't save those suffering humans then what's the point at all of existing if they experience suffering most of their life?. Thus concluding his solution to erasing all life on earth, to simply put if there is not life there is simply no suffering.

    piffins January 7, 2021 7:30 pm

    he was still ignorant in the end. unfused with previous god and trying to understand. his goal was to send the professor a message by killing angels who had lent arrows, and he was under the assumption that if the heavens (angels) were no more, that humans would survive. he did not intend to eradicate humanity
    (he did succeed in sending a message that allowed the professor to have a realization though)

    LunarLily January 7, 2021 11:27 pm
    he was still ignorant in the end. unfused with previous god and trying to understand. his goal was to send the professor a message by killing angels who had lent arrows, and he was under the assumption that if ... piffins

    Well i agree about that he didn't think it through that by eliminating all existence in heaven humanity and all living things will perish, but just like i said compared to the pat God who chose to do nothing on humanities affairs. The God now was so focus and even a bit obsessive with the idea of the professor that he became so dependable on someone's idea thus making him unable to think through much more logically. Oh well i still think that the perfect God should be MC seeing that in the last battle between the professor he and the previous God have the same principles on how to handle humanity and all things in life. Other than that it's a nice change of pace reading this kind of manga.