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Anonymous October 7, 2015 3:34 pm down then and one last witch to go

    Capuccino October 7, 2015 7:07 pm

    yeah, for a moment I though she was FINALLY going to be kind,
    but then we heard her on the phone asking him to kill Bo eun, How can she be so EGOIST?
    I mean, it's too much!

    Anonymous October 21, 2015 4:12 pm
    yeah, for a moment I though she was FINALLY going to be kind,but then we heard her on the phone asking him to kill Bo eun, How can she be so EGOIST?I mean, it's too much! Capuccino

    i don't think she wanted to kill her, but just take her to a diffrent country where she can't be found. it was her real dad that decided that it is best if she died..... ps i am not saying that i like her or agree with her