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keikeikei October 9, 2015 11:15 am

I'm seriously getting pissed off and frustrated with what's happening, but I CAN'T STOP READING AND WAITING FOR UPDATES! WHYYY?


Maybe because it's somehow realistic in terms of those who are "sex friends," in a way that when one falls for the other who refuses to commit, it feels so painful and frustrating yet she can't stop wanting to be with him.. Ugh.

And now here comes a younger female rival who exudes an annoying and demanding (she'd probably pressure the guy to do more things for/to her or she'll threaten him again and he'd feel guilty so he'd oblige) aura.

I hope to see some character development soon or my heart might just give up in hoping for their love to blossom.

┗( T﹏T )┛
