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couldn't think of a better ending. was wondering how it was going to be tied off. my only...

piffins January 7, 2021 7:27 pm

couldn't think of a better ending. was wondering how it was going to be tied off. my only remaining question is did nakaumi really kill himself? (or did the energy beings kill him for killing angels) because it seemed like he was merely intent on killing angels who lent arrows, not himself
i am assuming his existance as god is what kept all life on earth alive, placed there by the energy beings who wish for death.
love how close the professor got to vocalizing his realization before he vanished. i think he couldve gotten places with his knowledge if he had some more time, and maybe if the humans had been allowed to live he himself couldve invented a way to kill the energy beings that desired death

    piffins January 7, 2021 7:34 pm

    also , thanks again to the translators for carrying this out til the end