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Derek didn't need to die!!!!!

Junki October 11, 2015 12:46 am

I really wanted shahi and derek to have a happy ending too. Eventhough the crown prince was a horrible man. Even the king got happy ending with a new wife then why can't derek have one too???

    Lost-Fudanshi December 4, 2015 4:05 pm

    Because as cruel as the King is, Derrick is even worse. He never once did one kind thing for anyone, the entire story, not even for Shahi. The king at least showed a bit of sentiment by changing his mind and allowing his sons to live afterall, even though they both committed "treason". But even when Derrick finally finds out Shahi cares for him, (enough to sacrifice himself protecting him), he hurts him again by taking himself away from him forever through the suicide. Even though what he supposedly wanted the whole time was Shahi's heart, and he finally "gets" it, he doesn't even leave him a good-bye note or anything. He's so heartless. :(

    Junki December 6, 2015 3:22 am

    which means you like him too... *smirk*

    Lost-Fudanshi December 10, 2015 12:11 am
    which means you like him too... *smirk* Junki

    Maybe in a love/hate kind of way... :-/

    Junki December 10, 2015 7:21 am
    Maybe in a love/hate kind of way... :-/ Lost-Fudanshi

    that kind of emotions are far stronger and last longer *grin*

    guess February 18, 2016 8:26 am

    i want a happy ending form both of them too bcuz derek is so damn hot!!(though he is kinda cruel)

    Junki February 19, 2016 3:15 am
    i want a happy ending form both of them too bcuz derek is so damn hot!!(though he is kinda cruel) @guess

    but mangaka matched him with the son, not the father.
    I don't care anymore! I want a happy ending even if it's with the son.
    Life goes on, and people must move on.

    KiryuuYuki407 February 22, 2016 1:02 pm

    The king didn't get a happy ending, the kid that he said he would only loved died :o

    Junki February 22, 2016 5:33 pm
    The king didn't get a happy ending, the kid that he said he would only loved died :o KiryuuYuki407

    yeah, but he still got some family time before the demise and he had his karma coming for him so I'm not really surprised. But the prince raped his first love without knowing anything and also died before finding out their feelings were mutual. He always thought his lover hated him and died with that knowledge.

    Lost-Fudanshi February 26, 2016 9:18 pm
    yeah, but he still got some family time before the demise and he had his karma coming for him so I'm not really surprised. But the prince raped his first love without knowing anything and also died before findi... Junki

    I think he knew, I mean the guy jumped in front of him to protect him. I think that's one of the reasons he killed himself. He probably felt a little guilty, he knew he couldn't change and treat him better, and he didn't want him to ever forget him so he killed himself. I think he also knew that he'd grieve for him endlessly, he wanted that. Hateful, selfish b*stard

    Junki February 26, 2016 10:27 pm
    I think he knew, I mean the guy jumped in front of him to protect him. I think that's one of the reasons he killed himself. He probably felt a little guilty, he knew he couldn't change and treat him better, and... Lost-Fudanshi

    yeah... XD a twisted kind of love.