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Help me please

LevixEren October 12, 2015 10:55 pm

I wonder if anyone can help me. I used to had this manga but I lost it. I think the manga consist different stories. But I remember very well the story that I m looking for is
"From Me to You" it's about friendship of two guys.
It's about 2 best friends with different background. They were friends in High School. Once they graduate they are apart. One went to college amd one went out to work, I think the 2nd guy was having family issue. He is a playboy and have many women. And I think he use the women to feed him and gave him shelter. He was very miserable.
Once the first guy graduated & enter working society. He wants to meet his friend again. But found out that the 2nd guy is dead, which is super sad. And there was a letter left for him that he thanks for being friend or something. And the letter was 'From Me to You'. And the first guy is crying and said he just realized that there was hole in his heart that can't be closed. He read the letter on the train.
It sad story because first guy feel he wasn't there when his friend was having hard time.
I don't remember the manga title. If someone can help me please
