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Last page got me like, "SON. OF A. MOTHER DUCK!"

Fangirl_ADOBO October 13, 2015 10:00 am

Last page got me like, "SON. OF A. MOTHER DUCK!"

    Morcheeba October 13, 2015 4:19 pm
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    He's got that all fried out you see - get his kouhai into the lake under the pretense of being ducking smashed. And to adress the issue of them both being you see - seriously wet and all, they'll need to take cover wherever ( practice and all) and so on and so forth.
    But that smirk was just kind of "un-ducking smashed".
    So I vote guilty. Of romantic intent.

    Morcheeba October 13, 2015 5:38 pm
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    A wolf cosplaying as a duck?
    He's playing the straight man in that stand-up comedy? *wriggles eyebrows*
    Oh dear, all that pressure of not being able to talk makes me weird.