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Help me find this yaoi! >_<

Bathsheba October 14, 2015 9:21 am

The story goes like this -
The uke is the seme's senpai and is in love with him for a few years already. So when the seme goes home from work, on his way, the uke cross dresses as a girl gives the seme a glimpse of his lingerie from a distance. The seme becomes troubled and even consults with the uke about this. Later the seme doubts that the lady giving him a strip tease might be a guy because there's weird bulge in his crotch area. He tells that to the uke and the uke becomes extremely flustered. As a result the seme has his doubts & ambushes the uke (while he was cross dressing). At the end he finds everything out & they end up together.

Sorry for the messy description but i REALLY want to read this manga! So help me out....PLEASE!! >_<
