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These chapters should be taken down. This a licensed series and available to buy on Amazon...

Anonymous October 15, 2015 10:36 am

These chapters should be taken down. This a licensed series and available to buy on Amazon and other places. Please take it down I want to continue buying the manga, why do people have to ruin good things for other. Support tanaka suzuki and buy her manga. I would understand uploading laws and translating if it was not licensed but this is wrong.

    hana chan October 15, 2015 12:08 pm

    I am really sry.But i don't get wht u mean by "why do people have to ruin good things for other'.If the chapters are uploaded here,will they stop selling manga or sth like that?Or will mangago will be shut down?But plz realize that there are many fans of this manga who want to buy it and support the mangaka but can't and all they can do is reading here.I live in a country that there's no wifi access or internet access everywhere and it costs me a lot to read manga online.Well,it costs me more than buying,trust me.It's not like i disrespect the mangaka or want to take advantage.We juz want to read this coz we love this manga To conclude,u are right,this is wrong to upload the liscened manga but plz sympathize with people who can't buy even they want to buy.And if i make mistake in my comment that upsets you,I am sorry.

    Crimson Rose October 15, 2015 12:32 pm

    Yes, it is wrong but this is the only way for some people to access this manga. I would gladly buy all the mangas of this series and support the artist but sadly I am unable to buy these items from the internet as I do not have a credit card. I wouldn't mind going to the shops to buy the mangas but sadly I have no clue if any shops close by my area sells mangas. Also, the thing I don't get is how does this affect you in anyway from purchasing the actual copies? It's your own choice to purchase them. It's not like these chapters are telling you to stop buying the actual copies and read me instead. You could just simply ignore it if it's an eyesore to you. Though it might be an eyesore to you but it's a gift for some people here who does not have the privileges to buy any of the actual copies. Here's a question I'll like to ask you 'why do people have to ruin good things for other?'

    kurai-okami October 15, 2015 12:58 pm

    it can't be helped, i understand ur feelings however once something has been uploaded to the internet it can never be taken down properly. at the same time i wanna buy the manga but its too expensive to buy over in new zealand==

    Lalla October 15, 2015 1:11 pm

    "Ruin good things for others"? Aren't you just a crybaby? Many people here doesn't have any kind of access to certain type of manga, just because they are uploading it here does NOT mean they are going to stop selling it. From your argument, you are just upset and feeling stupid for you bought it when they had it on the internet. Although it is good to support the mangaka, I can not see why a manga website cannot post it for the millions of people who want to but can't buy it.

    LAla October 15, 2015 1:25 pm

    I don't understand how this is wrong when other manga sites are also doing the same so keep your mouth to yourself. Let us all enjoy this manga

    Anonymous October 15, 2015 1:33 pm
    "Ruin good things for others"? Aren't you just a crybaby? Many people here doesn't have any kind of access to certain type of manga, just because they are uploading it here does NOT mean they are going to stop ... Lalla

    It's illegal. The mangaka owns the rights to the work and has not given permission to this website to publish that work. She has sold a license to print the work to the publisher. She needs to make these sales in order to eat and pay her rent so that she can continue to create more manga for you to enjoy. If everyone read the manga on this website and did not buy it, the publisher would no longer publish what they cannot sell, the mangaka would not get any money and she would have to find other work. And THAT means that she would no longer create more manga for you to enjoy.

    So by reading on these sites and not supporting the mangaka--which is more than good, it is essential--you are shooting yourself in the foot and endangering the thing you love.

    Yes, it's really too bad that not everyone can afford to buy the manga. It's really too bad that I can't afford designer clothes. Do I think I can just walk into a store and take the clothes I want just because I want them? No. But that's what's happening here. Everyone reading on this site and others like it is stealing from the mangaka.

    Anonymous October 15, 2015 1:55 pm
    It's illegal. The mangaka owns the rights to the work and has not given permission to this website to publish that work. She has sold a license to print the work to the publisher. She needs to make these sales ... @Anonymous

    Then what are you doing here if you're against this type of things. I'm guessing your problem is that this certain manga is license thus is not suppose to be here where everybody can read it. But bad mouthing this site as if you're not here reading yourself is kinda ungrateful.

    A lot of us wanna support these mangakas but have no means to do so. I'm not allowed to have a credit card and bookstores in my place don't sell yaoi merches. I bought the mangas that I like, but that's because they are available (they only have mainstream shonens and some shojos that are famous here). I understand your point but your the one whose "Ruin good things for others" here.

    Lalla October 15, 2015 2:10 pm
    It's illegal. The mangaka owns the rights to the work and has not given permission to this website to publish that work. She has sold a license to print the work to the publisher. She needs to make these sales ... @Anonymous

    Oh, so basically you are against any kind of manga website? Then what are you doing here, my dear? This is a FREE place where people who cannot afford them come to read! Or even if they can afford them, it just doesn't sell inside their countries! But of course, some close minded people think anyone has access to buying things on the internet or in another country. Plus, most of the publishers count more of the readers inside Japan, so you are also basically telling us to read japanese. If it bothers you so much, then get out, that's simply. Just the fact that you are here shows how hypocrite you are.
    Besides, really? Comparation with clothes? Can you get even more lame? How old are you? Clothes are something people need,or do you go outside and walk naked? And, besides, if you have money to buy something for a hobby such as manga, just means that you have more than enough money to buy your clothes.

    Anonymous October 15, 2015 2:13 pm
    Then what are you doing here if you're against this type of things. I'm guessing your problem is that this certain manga is license thus is not suppose to be here where everybody can read it. But bad mouthing t... @Anonymous

    You are completely missing the point in your sense of entitlement. You are the one ruining good things. This website is illegal. What it is doing is illegal. It violates copyright laws and is making money off of you through advertising, money that does not go to support the manga industry.

    Websites like this and people like you who feel you are entitled to have this stuff for free are why the manga industry is struggling. When it collapses completely, you will only have yourselves to blame.

    Anonymous October 15, 2015 2:28 pm
    Oh, so basically you are against any kind of manga website? Then what are you doing here, my dear? This is a FREE place where people who cannot afford them come to read! Or even if they can afford them, it just... Lalla

    You are missing the point. Unfortunately, in this world, if you want something, you pay for it, be it clothing or manga. To expect someone to give their work to you for free is incredibly naive. If you can't afford manga, that's really too bad. Should the mangaka just give it to you because you want it? No.

    And I'm here to try to get people to understand how websites like this are destroying an industry and an art form that I care about, not to read.

    Lalla October 15, 2015 2:34 pm
    You are missing the point. Unfortunately, in this world, if you want something, you pay for it, be it clothing or manga. To expect someone to give their work to you for free is incredibly naive. If you can't af... @Anonymous

    I am not saying they should give it to us for free, but that we should enjoy it if we can get it for free. Besides, it is naivety to think that such a big industry of art would fall because of such a thing, but if you do think like that, just shows how ridiculous some line of thoughts can be.

    Ivis October 15, 2015 2:46 pm

    Honestly i know how you feel, and i also take the time to buy the manga i love from Amazon because i want to support the mangaka. But if it wasn't for this website, i wouldn't have gotten to know about all the other amazing manga out there. Most of them aren't completely or if at all, available in the U.S. So, this website serves its purpose more than it does harm. And if Japan ever does try to take this down then i hope they take the scanlation groups and pay them to help translate their mangas. Or do a site for manga where people have access to them for a fee. There are so many things these companies in Japan can do.

    Hot & Spicy October 15, 2015 2:46 pm

    I'm a poor student. Where do I take the money from. I do buy Mangas in order to support the mangakas but I can't buy them every day. And you know what. In japan they have this thing called weekly magazine (new chapters of all kinds of Manga are in there) which is very cheap but we don't have that here in Europe! ╥﹏╥

    Ivis October 15, 2015 2:49 pm

    But until then, this site is the only way we can read all the good manga.

    Curious October 15, 2015 3:23 pm
    You are missing the point. Unfortunately, in this world, if you want something, you pay for it, be it clothing or manga. To expect someone to give their work to you for free is incredibly naive. If you can't af... @Anonymous

    Just curious...what are you doing in this website...? And if the other manga is not licensed and being scanlated by scanlation groups, do you read them..? Because they are being uploaded in the manga site...really curious!!! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Why are you here in the first place? if you really hate it..., you should just go away and not even bother with this site. Why wasting your time just to comment on this.

    LevixEren October 15, 2015 3:26 pm

    You know. I understand your complaint. As for me. I keep buying the volume even if I already read it online. Buying original copy is reader self-awareness. If readers respect the mangaka, they should support them. Some of readers are only able to buy small amount of volume. But I hope when they have small money they will support sensei. But I don't understand why you say 'I want to keep buying this manga'. Even if it uploaded online you can still collecting it by buying copy.
    If you stop buying the manga just because you can read it free then you are just the same as the people you are accused

    LevixEren October 15, 2015 3:29 pm
    Honestly i know how you feel, and i also take the time to buy the manga i love from Amazon because i want to support the mangaka. But if it wasn't for this website, i wouldn't have gotten to know about all the ... Ivis

    True! I usually read it online first (for new manga) and decided to buy it. It same goes to Hidoku Shinaide. It is very popular on manga online and gained many attention that's why now they decided to make it license in English and we are already eager to buy it when it release.

    Nosebleed-chan October 15, 2015 4:55 pm

    I understand where you're coming from. Imagine all of SUBLIME's hard work and those readers who actually bought it....sigh but it's pretty hard to remove it once it's up on a free site

    LannaBan October 15, 2015 6:07 pm

    I actually believe that people being able to read it online for free HELPS the manga industry in the West. (Tbh, even if manga didn't get licensed in America/the UK/Europe, most mangakas make their money from their target audience - which is Japan and Asia. We are a tiny tiny percentage of their audience.) I would not buy a yaoi I haven't read. I will buy yaoi that I HAVE read and enjoyed - and considering that manga like Yoneda Kou's get sold out so freaking quickly (whereas manga that isn't available on the internet remains pretty much unheard of to Western readers), I think most people feel the same.

    I'll-rant-because-I-feel-like- October 15, 2015 6:56 pm

    Oh, dear. Don't feel shunned upon when I believe you just didn't explain your concern correctly. I get you're worried that we have a licensed manga uploaded, because no matter what, that's piracy, and we gain more visibility by open piracy. Also, I get you bought the manga from the publishers which makes uploading kind of bad, because you had spent money on proper goods, and people think it's okay to read it for free and never check the official English versions as well, for they "don't care" if the mangaka loses money with this kind of thing. Well, I understand you, really. I've been buying manga since 2002 and I support artists I've read before, and sometimes I take a chance in things I've never read, but rest assured, websites like mangago are not as bad as you think and despite your frustration at the moment, take a little time and put yourself in our shoes, okay? (this concerning the idea that you don't read manga here as well)

    Like people have previously pointed out, manga are not broadly available for everyone. You're lucky the you have so many English publishers. In my native language, BL manga are only recently becoming popular and the titles they bring are only shounen-ai because it's unimaginable to publish hardcore stuff in my language, with so much debate about censorship. So, websites like mangago give me a place to get to know authors, great stories and popular things publishers are bringing to their languages around the world. The scanlators do their best buying raw material from Japan to support the artists they enjoy and give us memorable things to read, to enlarge the fandom and raise the demand for this kind of material. They do it for love and for free, and it's such a hard task! Sometimes scans go to random websites, people remove their credits, take over their projects and all. If it weren't for people dedicated to keep scans coming, how do you imagine things like Aitsu no Daihonmei would come to your hands? Many people commented they wouldn't buy things they haven't read. And there's an even bigger chance no matter how popular they are in Japan, you'd never even hear about it (well, at least you wouldn't miss something you've never even heard of =o)

    Anyways, I get in the beginning there was more respect for licensed goods. But I don't think of it as much of a problem now. Many people here pointed out they'd buy the manga if they had credit card or it was more accessible to their country. Can you imagine this? Things that were demand sold in Japan only become available for English speakers. But because they are so popular, you have people from around the world buy these goods despite the difficulties for shipping and all? Me, for example, I own a Japanese copy for the Prince of Happiness. I understand no Japanese, but I read it online, so I ordered it around 2007. I also bought Ai no Kusabi collection, even if the cost of each book, along with the shipping, cost four times the original price in my country's currency. This is becoming a very common thing, but the publishers are not prepared for dealing with such demand. I pre-ordered Saezuru volume 1 and 2. DMP's Juné is so unprepared for international demand that either I think they served English speakers first and left the rest hanging for a second print or they do it on purpose, to feed Akadot's demands since they charge cheaper for manga, but 50 dollars just for delivery. Last time I checked. in Amazon, the volume was $5000. Would you rather read a pirate scan for free or feed the market by buying 5000 dollars in one volume? 5000 dollars in my country is enough money to buy a CAR and since I go to school by bus, I'd rather have a car, really, no matter how much I love Yoneda Kou.

    So scanlators and online reading websites keep feeding international publishers what is popular so they can publish it. It's an amazing market research area. And because people are getting more manga from Japan and consequently, publishers are licensing more things, I don't think these scans will hurt the authors as bad as they can get people to buy their stories and support their work. The word spreads around and the market for manga grew so much in the past years because the internet, no matter how bad, also provided a good way for people to get in touch with these far-away materials.

    If these scans actually hurt the publisher, they can sue mangago, sure. But it's easier for them just to ask the manga to be taken down. Of course you'll be able to find it in other places, so it's kind of an useless battle for the publishers, but they'll get nothing from making mangago a martyr for the online manga pirates. If not, Sublime and Juné will lose an awesome ground to check for new publishable stuff and you, dear, should rejoice on the fact that, if you love Aitsu no Daihonmei, you have such a great community that is willing to show you other mangas by Tanaka Suzuki or things which are similar and that you can invest your money on when it's published in English or you can buy by retail on a Japanese website. Because if you really support the artist, it's not the fact that if it's available in English, you don't need to buy it, right? You do! Because you do it for love. Even though it will make you a little poorer and leave you upset because you do not have the money to buy ALL the things you love. But sometimes that's how hobbies work. :')

    I hope I haven't offended anyone with my rant. And I hope everyone can think in each other's shoes. Hate to see my fujoshi sisters fighting. Unite for the love for yaoi, k'? XOXO.