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I don't get why people are mad because we don't like or agree with most of the twins decis...

BL_F@NGIRL January 10, 2021 4:23 am

I don't get why people are mad because we don't like or agree with most of the twins decisions, just like you want us to take into account the trauma they've experienced, you should try to take into account our dislike for their lack of reasoning. I'm all for resentment and not trusting the royal family so easily. I also understand that very little time has passed, and trauma takes time however, for people to consider themselves as adults, yet lack any reasoning is just annoying. Whether we want to say 23 or 18, they don't reason like either of those ages, they reason like 5 yr olds, yet speak like adults, its simply annoying. They also are technically older than all the princes yet they expect so much from them, like the second prince was 5 yrs old when they we're born, and the 3rd prince was like 1 or 2, yet they automatically treat them with contempt, even though their also children, like really. Then they completely dismiss the 2nd prince like he literally didn't put his life on the line, not to mention clinging to someone, simply because they were also born out of wedlock, while also talking about we can't trust no one, they simply lack reasoning and again its annoying. Yes I dislike that part of them, while empathizing with the fact they experienced trauma. I mean they even play like children, they don't display any intellect like an adult either, and this whole situation their in now is partially their fault, cause even though they refused to except any kindness from the imperial family, yet have no issue using the imperial authority when it suits them, they trust the first noble who smile at them so easily, they just all over the map...
