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Bruh, i aint saying the drunk sex was ok .-. Im jus saying the uke is strong enough to fck...

TaeSarang January 11, 2021 5:45 pm

Bruh, i aint saying the drunk sex was ok .-. Im jus saying the uke is strong enough to fcking protect himself.-. He doesnt need to act like a indecisive guy, jus say a loud NO and get the seme out of your life.-. I dont like ukes like these, bruh cause of your words the actions of the seme can be taken j a wrong direction.-. U first say ok to the sex and then in the middle u start saying i hate you .-. I get it u tsundere but bruh what? Make up yo mind and hit a vase on the head of the seme and run away if u hate it so much.-. And the seme is also weird, bruh cant u see the uke dont like u? The last chp is the uke saying he will fck when he feels like it and im jus so confused .-.
