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kei_k October 17, 2015 3:39 pm

Did anyone count how many times "adorable" was mentioned in the manga? They're too adorable so let's just let it be. (≧∀≦)

It was so fun to read mostly because:
- Taira proved his 100% devotion by staying true to his words (being a virgin was a plus, considering how hot he became);
- Taira's mom was so supportive of his son that she mentioned she might need to have another child because she wanted grandchildren (and she really did have another kid);
- Azuma killed the morning kissy-kissy time mood by asking how Taira liked kissing him like that in the morning when the mouth's supposed to be a bacteria paradise at that time (but Taira loved him more because of it);
- Taira immediately had his hair cut after hearing Azuma tell him he looked like a host/gigolo because of it;
- Little Taira saved Azuma from being hit, let out a menacing aura, and the older guy actually got scared/disturbed and left; and
-a lot more "adorable" scenes.

If you're not bothered by incest with blood relation (uncle x nephew), this could be a really fun read for you, too~~ ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
