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Honestly it changes up so I wouldn’t read

Yfondon January 11, 2021 2:17 am

First it was okay first ep anime made people wanna come I was one of them then I read and I regret it like wth Paul and then they change the story he’s with a girl nope got sent to a different place and then he finds another girl and tutors somthing happens and changes again now they on an adenvture to return her home he finds out his family is missing changes plans and try’s to find his family finds some and then sends them back to Paul who looked like a slob and then the girl who was with Rudy just had sex with him how do you forget he’s 10 and then feels disgusted and feels weak and leaves to train to be able to stay by his side tf he wanted to stay with you anyway he didn’t care and then Rudy gets depressed and then finds another girl gets rejected cause he was just using the girl as a bounce back and he’s sad about that... that’s on you dude and then you find out about your mom and instead to god find her you apply to a a magic school and forget about a girl you spent 6 years with and wanted to start a family with? And now your in a magic school and you are what trying to get strong cool we got a story nope finds somone who’s also from Japan and now story changed again now we are trying to find a way home????that’s as far as chapter 78 lmao waste but for some reason still interested I think I’m just to far to drop it

    otsukira January 11, 2021 4:21 am

    this was honestly what I thought of as well, I watched the first episode and I thought I'd binge read because the anime looked promising.