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This manga was licensed, and...

jchick7 October 20, 2015 3:06 pm

I own this manga in English, you can find it online usually pretty cheap. It is a collection of one shots, and is mostly shounen-ai. Only one story in the collection has a love scene, the others just have kisses or fooling around, and none of it is at all graphic.

The first 2 stories are actually 2 parts of one story, which has the same name as the manga itself. It's about a chef and a famous actor. It's a light, fluffy story.
The 3rd story is the oneshot that is featured here about the editor and mangaka.
The 4th story is a schoolboy romance oneshot.
The 5th story is a salaryman romance oneshot.
There's also an extra at the very end that is from the very first 2-part story.
