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Gene January 12, 2021 12:48 pm

[Spoiler warning?]

For those of you who've read this- does young-do die? Im not sure if i can handle something like that- i know it probably ruins the story but please help me out

    tequila-kun January 15, 2021 3:40 pm

    I think the author kill every character

    Gene January 15, 2021 4:50 pm
    I think the author kill every character tequila-kun

    oh god oh god oh god, no plz. no wonder the rating was so low. and i really liked what i red so far. ughhh

    fergy722 January 21, 2021 6:00 am
    oh god oh god oh god, no plz. no wonder the rating was so low. and i really liked what i red so far. ughhh Gene


    At the beginning it said that young do ends up getting killed by the assassin who was pretending to be a monk

    rory January 25, 2021 5:31 am
    SPOILER At the beginning it said that young do ends up getting killed by the assassin who was pretending to be a monk fergy722

    oh shit. i was confused on that part. so everything after that was a flashback of giju? or he was hallucinating already that youngdo was still alive? I'm really confused though

    fergy722 January 25, 2021 8:20 am
    oh shit. i was confused on that part. so everything after that was a flashback of giju? or he was hallucinating already that youngdo was still alive? I'm really confused though rory

    It was more like foreshadowing. It's said something along the lines of "but he didn't know that, that monk was a famous assassin and he would be killed by him" it wasn't exactly like that but it was along the lines of it .