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DLPickle January 12, 2021 4:32 pm

Saw someone else mention briefly, but wanna share here.

I think Cain was Jooin's dog in his past life. It would explain why:

1.) Master! Cain used to call Jooin "Master" even though it's shown from the first time Cain and Jooin meet that Cain already knows Jooin's name.

2.) The cover art! Why is Cain in a collar and leash even though Yahwi isn't? There's also a paw print background behind them.

3.) His puppy-like personality. He's always high-energy, and he always wants Jooin to be happy. He always wants to be praised by Jooin. The author doesn't hide this either! How many times has Cain been drawn with fake doggy ears??

4.) He never disobeys Jooin even if you can tell he is upset. He would never act on his own to say anything to Yahwi if Jooin didn't want him to.

5.) His full name is literally Canis Lupus. The scientific name for wolves.

IMO, I think Cain was Jooin's dog from his past life and maybe Cain didn't do a good job at protecting him which is why he reincarnated. Now he's come back to make sure Jooin's happy no matter what. Tbh I don't think he even likes Jooin romantically, he just doesn't want him to be hurt.

That's all I have for now,,, idk reply if y'all think I missed something. Maybe I'm just thinking too hard lmao

    kyanma January 12, 2021 4:34 pm


    DLPickle January 12, 2021 4:38 pm

    Forgot to mention that scene last chapter where Cain was like "You look just like how you did before" while Jooin was wearing Hanbok!!

    This reincarnation part also would be the reason Cain would be visiting a temple the first time he met Jooin/be very interested in Korean traditional customs.