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This is truly becoming really bothersome, I don't mind if someone likes American comics, b...

Sayuri Lapis October 23, 2015 12:52 pm

This is truly becoming really bothersome, I don't mind if someone likes American comics, but this is a MANGA website as the title says, only for manga styled comics, this site is really becoming messy uploading shit like this. Not all Korean Webtoons count as manga you know. Most of them don't really draw in the manga style. In fact, most of them count as western comics. I'm not trying to sound weebooish here, but I really think this site should do a cleanup and remove the webtoons or make a separate website to update them on.

    cry me a river ┑( ̄Д  ̄) October 23, 2015 3:22 pm

    Why does it bother you this much? manga is just Japanese word for comics. And "Not all Korean Webtoons count as manga you know" no shit 'cuz its called manhwa which is also another term for comics.