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Sorry this one was crap. Just people making other people suffer because of their selfishne...

animana October 27, 2015 12:26 am

Sorry this one was crap. Just people making other people suffer because of their selfishness. All of them, the seme, the uke and the wife hurting each other. Sad story.

    Evilcleo October 31, 2015 4:51 pm

    Welcome to life, where it is human nature.

    animana November 1, 2015 5:20 am
    Welcome to life, where it is human nature. Evilcleo

    Yeah, humans can be extremely ugly and disgusting. The same way as we can be noble and kind. Should I not think it is sad when I see someone acting in the first category?

    Evilcleo November 1, 2015 4:40 pm
    Yeah, humans can be extremely ugly and disgusting. The same way as we can be noble and kind. Should I not think it is sad when I see someone acting in the first category? animana

    Well, yeah, that's fine but your feelings pretty much describe 99% of manga, of any genre. It's how you create development and conflict. So while it's sad, it's hardly crap.

    animana November 1, 2015 6:24 pm
    Well, yeah, that's fine but your feelings pretty much describe 99% of manga, of any genre. It's how you create development and conflict. So while it's sad, it's hardly crap. Evilcleo

    Maybe I didn't express myself correctly. The manga is not crap, the plot and characters were well constructed. What I considered crap was their behavior that made this manga the kind I don't like to read. If I wanted to see people acting in an ugly way I would go read newspaper, there is enough real sad situations there. And sorry but it doesn't describe 99% of the mangas, there are conflicts in all of them but not every character chooses to prioritise their selfishness, there are mangas that gives us a warm, gentle or redeeming feeling and characters that make us think that despite all the ugliness people can do good things sometimes and that people in trouble can be saved and save others. But that is my opinion, maybe because I don't have a positive opinion about mankind I like to read fiction that gives me some hope, doesn't mean others should think the same. Everyone is different, went through different situations and development and think different. I didn't dislike the manga because I don't understand real life and real humans but because I understand and can feel empaty, even in fiction I will think that other's pain is sad especially when they keep on hurting each other again and again and at the end are still going tho do that in the future. But again this is how I feel, everyone else is free to disagree and my opinion is not better that theirs just not the same.

    Evilcleo November 1, 2015 7:05 pm
    Maybe I didn't express myself correctly. The manga is not crap, the plot and characters were well constructed. What I considered crap was their behavior that made this manga the kind I don't like to read. If I ... animana

    That is a better way to say it but the two main characters took steps for redemption. The seme chose to turn himself in and made the cop get credit, as apology for sleeping with his wife. The uke knows he wasn't around, which he is sorry about and thus quit his job so his selfish actions couldn't continue. So it is the same as the 99% other mangas You and I mentioned.

    animana November 2, 2015 2:34 am
    That is a better way to say it but the two main characters took steps for redemption. The seme chose to turn himself in and made the cop get credit, as apology for sleeping with his wife. The uke knows he wasn'... Evilcleo

    I still think it is a sad history with too much suffering to be a good read. There is some redemption in the end but to me seems barren when compared to how much they hurt. And you can't say it is wrong because it is a matter of opinion in liking or not.
    Of course 99% of the mangas are gonna be similar, actually 100% of them have something in common, they are all manga, depends where you decides put your line of cut to evaluate the similarities. If I like some manga and not another one doesn't it mean that to me they are not in the same category? Why do you insist in declare that what I consider to be different is equal? Couldn't they be the same to you but not to me? Or are you saying that you like every manga that you read without any kind of personal preference? I don't like the kind of attitude of the characters in this manga nor this kind of plot and I think there are a lot of other mangas that fits my taste thus they are different. Sure now that I know what this mangaka creates I won't read anymore, and of course that doesn't mean everyone else should do the same. There are a lot of people that like this kind of manga and they are not wrong, they are right, it is their opinion. But I am not wrong to.

    Evilcleo November 2, 2015 10:12 pm
    I still think it is a sad history with too much suffering to be a good read. There is some redemption in the end but to me seems barren when compared to how much they hurt. And you can't say it is wrong because... animana

    I never said you couldn't have an opinion . This does indeed show the ugliness of humans. But your argument included 'redeeming' so the manga is hardly something special or original like you make it to be. Remember, this is fictional and isn't worth such hatred.

    animana November 2, 2015 11:59 pm
    I never said you couldn't have an opinion . This does indeed show the ugliness of humans. But your argument included 'redeeming' so the manga is hardly something special or original like you make it to be. Reme... Evilcleo

    I never said it was original or unique, there are other similar and other different and everyone can choose how to classify them in groups of interest. And about the "redeeming" I said that even if there is some in the end, to my liking it is too little to compensate the suffering, but it is my liking others would think that it is sufficient. That doesn't make the manga special just puts it in my category of "not good to read"
    Your first comment was "Welcome to life, where it is human nature." meaning the manga is good because it reflects real life and that my poor understanding about life made me not see the manga's worth. We already clarified that I didn't mean that the manga if bad just that I didn't like it, and that I didn't like it not because I didn't understand it but because I did. Than you insisted that 99% of the mangas are the same what would make my dislike of this manga nonsensical since I like the other 99%. I agreed with you that depending on where you put your referencial you can group all manga together or divide them in smaller groups and that is why I liked some manga but not this one and other similar since to me they go in different groups. Maybe I wasn't clear in my words and that is why you sensed "hatred" when I just wanted to make clear that I don't like to be taken as a fool, but I dont hate you or your comments, actually talking with someone that disagree of me using real arguments is refreshing and interesting.