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Haunting bl

Tsumibukai October 30, 2015 6:13 am

There's this ongoing series that i forgot to put in my "reading list". I read it months ago. I don't know if it was yaoi or shounen ai as there was only chapter out at that time. And it's been literally haunting me for a few days (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

The story goes like this -
Uke works in a convenience store/flower shop as a part timer. And the seme goes there as a regular customer. He fell in love with the uke at first site & he confesses/asks the uke on a date(<--not sure). I think he also saves the uke from trouble(forgot what it was) once. As thanks the uke agrees to cook for him, i guess. Then the uke finds out that he lives in high class condo & is actually the president of a company. Up until that point the uke thought he was a just a normal salaryman. As far as my vague memory suffice, i think the seme always wore suits, had black hair & wore glasses.
