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Starwaves January 17, 2021 5:12 am

Huh idk how I feel about the ending. It's not bad tho? I was kinda expecting a happy cliche ending but I guess not. Idk about anyone else but honestly, akashi really bothers me sometimes. I get it, ur nice and wanna save everything but that's so delusional. Yes, try ur best to save people but not to the point where saving 1 person kills everyone else. And he didn't even try to use his God powers properly. There was still an earth, meaning he could at least try to protect the people that r still alive and stop the other crazy guy in a better way. The memory fight was just frustrating for me. Just my opinion tho but overall I do love this Manga and it's story. It really shows how meaningless life can be, or is it meaningful? Who knows... Anyways 9.5/10 for me.
