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Mozaya November 3, 2015 5:06 pm

they had to make it so she lost weight... what's the point of introducing a main who's overweight if it's just to make her lose 20 kg in a chapter? and i liked that she fell in love with dance but then it translated into i love minami?! cant you just love dance and admire the guy? noo... she fell in love...
kind of a urgh feeling especially since it had a nice setting

    SomewhereOverTheTARDIS January 9, 2016 4:18 am

    I'm not sure if it was 20 kg, she didn't look that chubby, but I think it was because of yuusei's demon training. That'd slim down anyone.

    SomewhereOverTheTARDIS January 9, 2016 4:19 am

    Also I don't think she's in love yet, I think she just really wants to dance.