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Im SO fucking done

MoonSEN January 17, 2021 1:50 pm

Ight let's get into it. I'm so done with that Mr. Yoon-bitch since he's taking someone else's man, he's basically a man whore. Like damn bitch you already got a couple of sugar daddies yet you want more??? What the fuck man, that shit isn't ok. Like c'mon you stoop so low to the point where you are trying to get a taken man, I repeat... a T A K E N man who already is planning to have an amazing future with their significant. My god, do you have no common sense? What's going to happen one day when they all find out you have more sugar daddies (more than 1) what the fuck are you going to do then? There will be social media posts about the shit that you've done, you'll be so fucking screwed because you wouldn't be able to find someone else who'll be your sugar daddy.
So, in conclusion, Mr Yoon you ugly-ass-man-bitch-whore grow the fuck up and get on with life. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
