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Hate it

Tommygurl November 4, 2015 8:28 am

This manga is stupid nd messed up, they only started liking hur just cuz she fucking lost weight.The author fucking puts hints of bl just so she can keep hur bl fans entertained nd by doing so, she won't loose them plus at d same time she trying to get new fans (shojo/romance+gl). But all she's doing is disappointing her bl fans nd making them think dat there's opportunity for two guys to get together but dat ain't happening. Basically she's trying to get popularity from both sides, no actually is three.This is d worst combination anyone can do, mixing in dat bl wit dat shojo/romance shit nd gl crap. Like are u fucking kidding me, dis is so lame. The manga even looks kind of slutty or ecchi I guess u can say dat, idk it just looks slutty well d gurl looks like it. Anyways dis mangaka has officially disappointed me, I don't think I'll b able to read hur manga ever again, nd I am out.

    Anonymous November 13, 2015 8:54 pm

    i dont know what ur prob is but if you hate it then just shut up and read something else cuz ur not welcomed here

    Dylan December 28, 2015 4:26 am

    Lol that's reality
    Deal with it