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It Was Okay...

Rookwood November 6, 2015 8:30 pm

It was okay I enjoyed it but it felt a little disjointed at times and a little rushed especially with the character development and back stories. It was also pretty predicable didn't even get out of the first chapter before I guessed who it was, was surprised when I thought I was wrong but then turned out I was right (lol). I guess my main problem with this story though was it didn't feel deep enough, it didn't do a lot to reinforce the main thought behind it and was shallow in feelings.
I do like the main concept though, I'm thinking I'm going to figure out how to play a similar game with my friends (you know minus actually dying). At the very least I want to make one of those rabbit masks to freak people out.
But I didn't find it scary, I get that it was more of a psychological horror than a slasher but like I said it didn't really hold any surprises for me.

I was pleased however that the author had the gall to kill off (or supposedly kill off) the main character. That usually is enough to really freak people out cause of the whole 'nobody is safe' idea, but for some reason I'm always really happy when that happens for the same reason actually (is that messed up?) That idea does reinforce the scary factor for me.
