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This time it's his fault because firstly even though your ex may be going through some shi...

kelly202 January 18, 2021 4:51 pm

This time it's his fault because firstly even though your ex may be going through some shit it isn't your responsibility to console her even if she doesn't have anyone else (unless you're single then do whatever). Secondly, he should have told Yuki because you just hugged your ex like cmon it's common decency at this point. Thirdly, Naruse keeps thinking that things to do with other ppl in his life aren't Yuki's problem but this is the whole point of a relationship, you tell each other what's happening even if they know or dont know the person. Lastly, I know people are saying that Yuki should have confronted him and in my eyes she did, while it may have been passive aggressive she still confronted him and he chose to be an ass about it. Genuinely hope that they either sort through their issues or just break up.
