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i thing i don't quite get though... why would a virgin be taking birth control pills...?

mentari January 19, 2021 6:39 am

i thing i don't quite get though... why would a virgin be taking birth control pills...?

    CaptainNeptune24 February 5, 2021 4:49 am

    Birth control isn't just for avoiding pregnancy. It's mostly used to have regular periods, helps with cramps and acne. It's a common misconception that birth control is only for women who are sexually active and want to avoid pregnancy . ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶the more you know .

    mentari February 5, 2021 5:23 am
    Birth control isn't just for avoiding pregnancy. It's mostly used to have regular periods, helps with cramps and acne. It's a common misconception that birth control is only for women who are sexually active an... CaptainNeptune24

    well... in the harlequin universe the situation is always simple. take birth control no baby, missed it a day & boom u have baby. & the FC wasn't sexually active or even have the intention to sleep with anybody, so it seemed a bit odd.

    thanks for the info though. i've been lucky to not have serious cramps or issues, so i didn't know that.

    CaptainNeptune24 February 5, 2021 8:29 am
    well... in the harlequin universe the situation is always simple. take birth control no baby, missed it a day & boom u have baby. & the FC wasn't sexually active or even have the intention to sleep with... mentari

    Aha very true in the harlequin universe it always seems to be super easy to just get pregnant .Never issues about fertility(there are some rare ones unless the main point of the conflict was inline with the ml being sniped).Its always a super sweet ,kind , poor or middle class ,docile lady mixed with a emotionally broken rich man which twisted views on love and marriage but they always seem to ''work'' it out with a cheesy overly romanced ending where its all sunshine and rainbows. But here we are reading this stuff so XD

    And no issue its not taught in most schools or even in most countries .I was lucky, my teachers in high school were very straight forward about everything biology and human anatomy male or femme straight up science and informative .

    Shiyai February 8, 2021 5:52 pm
    well... in the harlequin universe the situation is always simple. take birth control no baby, missed it a day & boom u have baby. & the FC wasn't sexually active or even have the intention to sleep with... mentari

    I think the birth control pill can did that. You missed it a day and boom, you have a baby. I heard many cases like that during my time in maternity ward.
    It is more ridiculous that you got pregnant (on the first try) with condoms. I mean, did they used a punctured condom or expired one or what?

    Morcheeba May 1, 2021 6:39 pm
    I think the birth control pill can did that. You missed it a day and boom, you have a baby. I heard many cases like that during my time in maternity ward. It is more ridiculous that you got pregnant (on the fir... Shiyai

    Uh well, the first side effect named in the instruction leaflet is pregnancy ^^ So yes, theoretically, the pill can work just like that, especially if you picked one with a low overall dosage. Practically, they put those disclaimer to deflect law suits.
    Though my friends and family are in no way comparable to a serious study, most of us had to have some patience after we stopped taking the pill. Think 6 months up to 2 years. But fertility is very much like a characters ultimate and you don't know how your own special ability is working until you actually try it.

    SayerSong July 20, 2021 3:15 am
    I think the birth control pill can did that. You missed it a day and boom, you have a baby. I heard many cases like that during my time in maternity ward. It is more ridiculous that you got pregnant (on the fir... Shiyai

    BC pills can also stop working if you are on antibiotics. FYI.