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can anyone help me with a contradicting idea, i need to write a quick paper but have brain...

I Love Junjou Romantica November 9, 2015 4:30 pm

can anyone help me with a contradicting idea, i need to write a quick paper but have brain block. an idea like it begins saying the glass is half full then ends with saying the glass is half empty etc. or how great technology is to how bad it is actually etc??? any suggestions thanks and sorry this is the most farthest away and miserable topic to post on this haven of a site x_x but im desperate

    Anonymous November 9, 2015 6:04 pm

    it's not really an idea or anything but you could easily make that into a thing through satire? Like you could start talking about how globalization is good for everyone but then end with how it destroys small countries' local farming or how internet has spread awareness about information among many yet has became a way to be used for bullying etc etc. I think all you need to do is take something at its face value/a common idea and then dig deep into its pros and cons. If there are enough cons you can make it satiric and go through a smooth transition.

    I Love Junjou Romantica November 9, 2015 11:03 pm
    it's not really an idea or anything but you could easily make that into a thing through satire? Like you could start talking about how globalization is good for everyone but then end with how it destroys small ... @Anonymous

    Thnkx tht was a great idea :) haha I was just having a brain malfuntion and couldnt think thanks very much for your help >.<