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Let’s talk about the mom

Hentai Protagonist January 20, 2021 1:49 am

it pissed me off how the mother literally abandoned her kids so she could run off with a husband and try to please him because he apparently can’t deal with children. The mother is irresponsible and is incredibly stupid to try and come back into their lives after causing them so much pain and it seemed like her husband was understanding and if she had talked to him properly in the first place than he would’ve maybe made an effort to get along with the girls. The dad is horrible as well I hate him, I get that there is a need to explore but even that sense of freedom has a limit. he is a grown man that had a wife and a child that needed parents who were stable and available for him and don’t get me started on the mother (the one who ran away first) an adult should suck it up and think about their child first and should’ve stabilized her feelings like an adult. Gosh every parent in this manga is horrible.

    H1th3r3 February 10, 2021 7:27 pm

    She's a selfish self-absorbed bitch.