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Omg why the hell is still even speaking to that prof after he forced him before and assaul...

Subarashi5 January 20, 2021 8:43 am

Omg why the hell is still even speaking to that prof after he forced him before and assaulted him while he was drunk what a gorgeous ume but seme deserved better

    t e a b a g January 24, 2021 9:50 am

    i totally agree like even if he aid it was part of his “plan” he still assaulted him ugh i hate it

    t e a b a g January 24, 2021 9:56 am

    sorry my comment before was meant for another volume. but i still agree and i feel really bad for our uke cause it seems like he’s always getting raped. ugh. and fuck that sensei i don’t understand why they still talk

    JALLY February 22, 2021 5:17 am

    Not speaking for the seme but there’s really no one better than the uke.

    Subarashi5 February 22, 2021 9:46 am
    Not speaking for the seme but there’s really no one better than the uke. JALLY

    I meant inside the story world of the manga there's plenty of people I'm sure there's someone better than him

    JALLY February 22, 2021 8:40 pm
    I meant inside the story world of the manga there's plenty of people I'm sure there's someone better than him Subarashi5

    What I mean also tho. No one

    Subarashi5 February 22, 2021 8:58 pm
    What I mean also tho. No one JALLY

    Nahh I'm pretty sure there is, nobody's perfect but there are better people

    JALLY February 22, 2021 9:04 pm
    Nahh I'm pretty sure there is, nobody's perfect but there are better people Subarashi5

    You gotta wait until nanao dies

    Subarashi5 February 22, 2021 9:11 pm
    You gotta wait until nanao dies JALLY

    Agree to disagree. There's always gonna be a better person and partner, we just accept the love we think we deserve

    JALLY February 23, 2021 6:59 am
    Agree to disagree. There's always gonna be a better person and partner, we just accept the love we think we deserve Subarashi5

    Disagree with this story but agree with your statement but like I said wait until nanao dies..

    Subarashi5 March 2, 2021 10:04 am
    Disagree with this story but agree with your statement but like I said wait until nanao dies.. JALLY

    If you think the best partner is a guy who meets up with a guy who assaulted him even when he is already in a relationship, you need help..but ok you do you if you want it like that

    JALLY March 2, 2021 9:22 pm
    If you think the best partner is a guy who meets up with a guy who assaulted him even when he is already in a relationship, you need help..but ok you do you if you want it like that Subarashi5

    Do you never go through stuff at all? In relationships there will be hardships

    Subarashi5 March 3, 2021 12:21 am
    Do you never go through stuff at all? In relationships there will be hardships JALLY

    I have and what he's doing shouldn't be part of the hardships you're talking about. Meeting up with someone who assaulted you? literally he met up with that dude a lot of times

    JALLY March 3, 2021 12:28 am
    I have and what he's doing shouldn't be part of the hardships you're talking about. Meeting up with someone who assaulted you? literally he met up with that dude a lot of times Subarashi5

    If it’s the senpai, he really should’ve already broked it off with him long time ago already but with his ex that he did it with long ago they met up coincidentally and he only went to back to confirm that he is done with him bc the whole seductive insecurities was based on the ex but now he’s got the seme it’s different. With the senpai I guess he didn’t break it off bc they were friends..which even I know that’s bullshit