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so from what I understand they want to transform an island into an amusement park ? and th...

Sonea November 12, 2015 1:21 pm

so from what I understand they want to transform an island into an amusement park ? and they intend to expel people from their houses ? and if they disagree just buy the island and do as they please ??? what a bunch of assholes

    Marrack December 20, 2015 7:45 pm

    more that they want to build a reef to encourage tourism, but require some land to build an airport to make the place more accessible.

    Venus February 25, 2016 1:18 am

    Well the prince is talking about whether or not the people from the town would like to be "re-located". By "re-location" it means they would get to live on another part of the island and new land and houses are given or money equal to that of their current property is offered (that's a negotiable contract), however if they refuse those choices there's another way to force the re-location by buying the island then they would be forced by the owner to move without a saying since its his/her land an they would be moved to whatever place the owner wants to (no negotiations)