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Looking for 2 non-bl mangas

Sinful November 12, 2015 5:13 pm

Both are smutty josei oneshots.

1st story: The girl works at a video rental store. Due to certain circumstances she ends up living with one of her colleague(a guy). I don't remember whether he was her love interest from the beginning or she fell in love with him later during living together. There was one time when the guy brings his friends unannounced OR his friends intrude on them & they make the girl cook sukiyaki for them (because she's a good cook). I don't remember what happens later, but the girl gets upset(may be) & somehow they end up together. There was sex at the end too.

2nd story: The girl was in liove with a guy who might have been her childhood friend/neighbor(not sure). One day the girl goes to his house (i don't remember why) & at that time his gf comes to visit him. The guy hides the girl & has sex with his gf and the girl sees & hears everything. Many years later they meet again. One thing leads to another and they sort of become friends with benefits. But the girl was hungry for revenge. So, she calls another guy & has sex with him. At the same time she asks the main guy to come too. The guy comes, sees her go at it with another guy & leaves. Later the girl feels sorry & they end up together.

Sorry for the lengthy description. I wrote whatever i could remember. Is there anyone who remembers any of the mangas? I AM REALLY CRAVING FOR THEM!! HELP!!

    Nidka November 12, 2015 9:53 pm


    Hello!! I saw your comment about an hour ago and wanted to reply but regrettably I didn't remember the name of the manga I was so frustrated because I knew both stories were oneshots from the same manga and it hasn't being that long since I read them....(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 I was thinking so hard but nothing, after a while I went to shower... and then out of nowhere IT CAME TO ME! It was like God illuminated me ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I remembered the art and well here just for you:
    Story 2 is chapter one and story 1 is chapter three, which begins at page 100

    ENJOY MY LOVEლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    Sinful November 13, 2015 5:07 am
    I REMEMBERED Hello!! I saw your comment about an hour ago and wanted to reply but regrettably I didn't remember the name of the manga I was so frustrated because I knew both stories were oneshots from the same ... @Nidka

    MY SAVIOR!! Thank you so much!!

    In the shower?! LOL...XD XD . Sometimes that happens to me too. When i forget something i remember it when i am not thinking hard about it ( ̄∇ ̄")

    But thank god it came to you!! I nearly lost all hopes when i went to sleep last :(
    Now i'll go & enjoy my long lost oneshots (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Nidka November 13, 2015 1:07 pm
    MY SAVIOR!! Thank you so much!!In the shower?! LOL...XD XD . Sometimes that happens to me too. When i forget something i remember it when i am not thinking hard about it ( ̄∇ ̄")But thank god it came to you... Sinful

    Hahahah I know right? ! They say best place to think is the shower lol (≧∀≦)