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i think both did wrong

meian January 21, 2021 2:28 am

dont missunderstand me.. i was like the mc pretty much all my chioldhood untill i turned like 18 and i still had isues untill 22-24 too awkward shy, introverted, a little histerical because i didnt understand how to talk to people or what to do.. now i am 34 and i undertstand a lot more, and in experience i can tell both are wrong..

the mc Hodaka
you cant act tht awkward, i know if you dont know then just learn.. ask, wait and listen
you cant stay silent if someone ask you if they are bothering after you throw such a bomb like "i dont like poeple" "i never though i needed friends", yamana asked if he was a bother and the MC stayed silent, well... he will think he is a bother and ofcourse that is the answer for "that is the reason you dont have any friends".. i know the mc was opening up

well you cant expect to someone know how to act if they are usually awkward, but that just mean he is awkward too and dont know how to act to others, because if he knew he wouldnt have say it like that
is better to listen, and if the person want your opinion then you give some external opinion that dosnt involve yuo too much, just give a little hint and let the person do their own discovery

in my experience if you dont grow yourself, and if you give the "advise" that sound more like an order.. well that only cause missunderstansdings and conflicts .. after that if something goes wrong you will be found guilty if your "advice-order" didnt come out right, the person will feel that it would have come out diferent if they took the choice by them self
i know it sound contradictory, but it does happen.. that is why is not good to involve too much even if it is your best friend, is best the choices in life are made by the person it self, you can only give them a litle push so they can find the answer by them self and be satisfied with it

COMUNICATION is what people need, if you need to say what is on your mind say it, ofcourse you need a filter for your words, and think what consecuence your words and actions might do to affect your relationships, all we do has a cause and efect reaction we just need to accept the results of them, learn from them and grow as a person
sorry for my english.. i hope these 2 can learn and grow ( ̄▽ ̄)
